Fryent Primary School

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Church Lane, Kingsbury, London, NW9 8JD, United Kingdom


Fryent Primary School

Excellence In Everything

  1. Our Curriculum
  2. Rights Respecting School Award


We are a Rights Respecting School that is going from strength to strength!

In December 2021, a Rights Respecting Unicef Assessor agreed that
Fryent Primary School deserved the GOLD Accreditation Award.  

A HUGE well done and thank you to all pupils', staff, governors' and parents' who helped make this happen.  
This is an amazing achievement for our school and we are very proud!

Achieving Gold: Rights Respecting means there is evidence that Fryent has...

  • explicitly adopted a child rights approach based on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and has embedded it in school policy, practice and culture.
  • Children, young people and adults in your school have a thorough understanding of child rights, and rights respecting attitudes and language are embedded across the school.
  • RRSA has had a positive impact on children and young people’s learning and wellbeing.
  • Students see themselves as rights respecting global citizens and are advocates for social justice, fairness and children’s rights at home and abroad.

Children and young people also play an increasingly leading role in driving progress. At Gold: Rights Respecting, you are aiming to intensify and broaden:

  1. Teaching and Learning about rights: for the whole school community through training, curriculum, assemblies, topics, focus days/weeks, displays.
  2. Teaching and Learning through rights: by modelling rights respecting language and attitudes and making strategic decisions that involve students.
  3. Being ambassadors for the rights of others: developing as rights respecting citizens.


What the Inspector had to say about Fryent- Strengths of the school include:
• Happy, confident and articulate children who demonstrated a very good knowledge and
understanding of rights and how these are connected within school life and the wider world.
• All adults are passionate about the rights respecting work of the school and the impact this
is having on outcomes for children.
• Natural links to relevant rights are fully embedded across the curriculum in a way that
enriches the learning for all children.
• A school with inclusion at its heart, where pupils feel safe and secure and are articulate about
the importance of knowing about children's rights, the difference this makes to their lives
and their desire and determination to help realise these rights for others.
• A strong focus on health and wellbeing; children were very clear that the school keeps them
safe and supports them to be healthy.


Fryent's Gold Inspection Report

 Fryent PS RRSA Gold Accredition report MR HA Dec 2021.pdfDownload
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Please click here to view what our Article 12  ambassadors have written about their school 

Recently, we ran a competition to design a Rights Respecting School logo. We had many entries and after much deliberation,  please click here to see the winner's design


 Anti-Bullying Video 2020.MOVDownload
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