Fryent Primary School

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Church Lane, Kingsbury, London, NW9 8JD, United Kingdom


Fryent Primary School

Excellence In Everything

  1. Parents
  2. Parent Information
  3. Travel Plan

Travel plan


 At Fryent we believe and are trying to push a sustainable travel plan for children and parents coming to and from school. We want to reduce car use on the school run by creating conditions that will allow more children to travel safely to school on foot, by bicycle or on the bus. We want a sustainable change in the home to school travel patterns to cut congestion, number of injuries, pollution and to allow many more pupils to take regular exercise.

 What are the benefits of travelling to school by bus, walking, or biking?


-         Reduces congestion on the roads and in the vicinity of the school.

-         Improves the safety and perception of safety thus leading to an increase in walking and cycling.

-         Cleaner air quality and less noise.

-         Improves fitness and health.

-         Better relations with the school neighbours and local businesses.

-         Decreases dependence on the car.

-         Increases independence of children and greater awareness of road safety.

How are we promoting sustainable travel options?

  • Walk to school week
  • Available bike storage
  • Cycle training for years 5 and 4
  • Use of public transport with some of the school trips
  • Visits to the London transport museum
  • Poster competitions
  • Notices on the Message board
  • Notices on the school website
  • Parent workshop discussions
  • School assemblies
  • Parent Survey

Thank you for your support.