Fryent Primary School

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Church Lane, Kingsbury, London, NW9 8JD, United Kingdom


Fryent Primary School

Excellence In Everything

  1. Our Curriculum
  2. Zero Carbon Schools

Zero Carbon Schools

Green Schools Project is on a mission to change the way schools respond to the climate and nature crisis.

It is very important to us to do everything we can to help the environment and we are now part of the Green Schools Project whose mission it is to help school become zero carbon.  A group of Year 4 and 5 children meet weekly to learn about climate change and to plan and take action to help our school become as zero carbon as possible!  They recently wrote speeches to world leaders and the community to encourage them to take steps towards becoming carbon neutral.

We have now chosen our projects in school in our quest to become a Zero Carbon School!  Please read about out exciting plans below!  All of our projects are about saving energy in school.

Team 1 - Climate Pinchers

Our aim is to turn off interactive whiteboards when they are not in use.  They waste electricity!  We will monitor classrooms and reward classes who are good at turning off their boards.


Team 2 - Team Temperature

Our aim is to keep doors closed in the cold weather to preserve heat and open doors in to summer to cool down the building.  This will help us use less energy on heating and cooling appliances.


Team 3 - Nature Group

Our aim is to help staff use less paper.  We think they should photocopy less which will reduce the amount of paper used and also reduce the electricity used when copying.


Team 4 - Team Outdoors


We want to encourage teachers to take more lessons outside.  This would be good for everyone's mental health and enable us to save on electricity which is needed when children are working in classrooms.