Fryent Primary School

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Church Lane, Kingsbury, London, NW9 8JD, United Kingdom


Fryent Primary School

Excellence In Everything

  1. Parents
  2. Homework



Homework Expectations at Fryent


Homework Projects

In years 1-6, homework projects are set to support the topic learning in school.  We encourage children to take ownership of their own learning, and pick activities which interest them.  There are 12 activities for the children to complete, but they do not have to do all of them.  They can add activities if they think of new ideas too! Projects are sent out every 8 weeks for the children to complete at their own time and pace.  They look like this…


When your child brings in their project work, they will receive two Class Dojos per piece of work.  Children who put the most effort into their work will receive a Head Teacher award which will be given out during good work assemblies. 


Where possible, please encourage your child to use books and paper they already have at home to complete their homework on.  However, if you require a book for them to complete their work in, we can give them unused exercise book from school which they can decorate.  We are trying to reduce the number of books that we order into school so please help us become more sustainable.



 Children are encouraged to read every day and listen to books being read to them as often as possible.  Children will begin to bring books home in their book bags which will be changed weekly.  Please can you write in their reading record when they have read. J They also have access to Reading Eggs (KS2) and Letters and Sounds on Oxford Owl (EYFS & KS1) where they can access books online. 

 Please visit your local library to encourage your children to read and take out books. As much as it’s lovely to buy new books, please help us become environmentally friendly and borrow books instead of buying new ones!


 Children will receive spellings on a weekly basis to learn.  Try and encourage your child to learn them and complete their spelling sentences.  Please speak to your class teacher if you need support with the spelling homework.  Children in EYFS and year 1 will also receive phonics homework to support them with their phonic knowledge.


Children will have access to Century and will need to ask their teachers for their log in details.  Children in KS2 also have access to Times Tables Rockstars.


Any homework and reading that your class teacher would like your child to complete will be posted on Class Dojo.  These are tailored to suit each child’s needs. 

Additional Information

There are times when your child may come home with additional work to support them with their learning at school. Please liaise with your child’s class teacher over Class Dojo if you need support with this.