Fryent Primary School

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Church Lane, Kingsbury, London, NW9 8JD, United Kingdom


Fryent Primary School

Excellence In Everything

  1. School Information
  2. Policies and Documents
  3. Grants and Financial Information
  4. Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium


Pupil Premium (PP) is a specific funding stream that is targeted at pupils from deprived backgrounds who are likely, according to National data, to underachieve. The Government has defined these children as being Free School Means (FSM), Service children and Looked After Children (LAC).

The school decides how to utilise the funding as it is recognised at Government level that they are best placed to assess and identify the additional provision to be made. Funding and expenditure is clearly tracked to close the attainment gap and enable children to overcome the barriers and challenges they face.


The purpose of Pupil Premium is to:

  • To ensure that children from FSM, Service children & LAC groups have equality of opportunity in all areas of school life.
  • To build on our first principle of making quality first teaching our core aim.
  • To use the money intelligently to address academic and social issues that data and our knowledge of wider family issues tell us may limit progress.
  • To use validated, evidence based options for this support and intervention, not just always ‘more of the same’.
  • To regularly try, evaluate and discontinue or continue these initiatives.
  • To reflect with other providers and evaluators when making decisions about initiatives.
  • To inform and reassure parents when their children receive added interventions.
  • Although primarily directed at specific pupils there is no bar to all pupils being included in any provision.


At Fryent we are strongly committed to enabling every child to achieve as highly as possible and we aim to support PP children to make accelerated progress and close the attainment gap. We use a variety of ways in which to achieve this, including but not limited to:

  • Support children in class by employing and training effective additional support staff.
  • Support children through targeted intervention groups to address specific issues.
  • Extend the school day and enable children to attend clubs and activities to enrich the curriculum.
  • Support parents and families through the work of Every Child Matters Co-ordinators (ECMC).
  • Enable staff to access additional support in planning to ensure the needs of all children are met.

Please see below our PP Strategy.

Click here for information on Pupil Premium Strategy for the academic year 2020 - 2021

Click here for information on Pupil Premium Strategy for the academic year 2021 - 2022

Click here for information on Pupil Premium Strategy for the academic year 2022 - 2023

Click here for information on Pupil Premium Strategy for the academic year 2023 - 2024