Fryent Primary School

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Church Lane, Kingsbury, London, NW9 8JD, United Kingdom


Fryent Primary School

Excellence In Everything

  1. Our Curriculum
  2. Foundation Subjects
  3. Religious Education

Religious Education

The R.E. curriculum at Fryent has been designed with the diverse nature of our school in mind and according to the Brent Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education.  Topics have been chosen which allow children to reflect upon key philosophies and traditions from not only the main religions represented in our community but also those which are non-theistic.  Our aim is to equip children with a positive self-image through reflection on their own beliefs and the beliefs of others.

Our R.E. curriculum is organised into four blocks.  The first three blocks cover topics suggested by the Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE) in Brent.  The fourth topic (which can be seen on our curriculum map) is a topic which reflects upon how different religions engage with and how their actions and beliefs support the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals.