Fryent Primary School

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Fryent Primary School

Excellence In Everything

  1. Our Curriculum
  2. Eco Warriors

Eco Warriors

Welcome! This page will tell you about our new Eco Warriors and some of the work we are doing. Our Eco Warriors work hard to encourage the rest of the school to become more eco-friendly. 


Why do we have Eco Warriors?
Being an Eco Warrior is an ideal opportunity for our pupils to get more involved in the way our school is run and help us to be more environmentally friendly. It provides opportunities for pupils to communicate their feelings as well as influence decisions that are made.  Eco Warriors take on the responsibility of expressing their own views, but also the views of their peers as well as passing on information from eco meetings. As an Eco Warrior, pupils have the opportunity to develop skills such as confidence, communication and negotiation.

What do our Eco Warriors do?
Our Eco Warriors help to care for our school environment: they help others to follow our eco-code, monitor our energy use in the school, and encourage teachers and children to recycle. Eco Warriors will take part in discussions and votes and feedback any relevant information to their class. Members will meet regularly as a group to discuss and implement their ideas.


Would you like to be considered as one of our next Eco-Warriors? Please see this video below!

Meet our Fryent Eco-Warriors!

Summer Term 2024

This term, parents joined their children to sow vegetable seeds in the school garden. Thank you to all parents and carers who joined us. Luckily, the weather was kind to us and we were able to plant cucumbers, tomatoes, beans and lots more with one vegetable for each year group. Our Year 6 Warriors were amazing, as they led the session guiding the children on how to place the seed and care for it. Children will continue to nurture the seedlings with the Warriors, as they grow throughout the rest of the term. Hopefully by September, we will see some great produce!

This month, we are entering the ‘Big Battery Hunt’ again. Which class and which student will collect the most batteries to win a prize?

The Warriors will be going on their final litter pick next month but to tie in with our new Marine topic, they will be going on a beach clean! Keep an eye out on Dojos to see how they get on.

As we draw to a close this year, we will be collating all our wonderful eco-work to renew our Eco-Schools application. I’m sure you will agree that the Warriors have worked super hard. Good luck!



How will you make a difference to our Planet?!

July 2023

As you know we have been working on achieving our Eco-Schools Green Flag this year. The Green Flag is an internationally recognised accreditation for excellence in sustainable education. We are pleased to announce that we passed the application process and we have been awarded a Green Flag with distinction!


Thank you to parents, carers, students and staff for all the hard work you have put in this year towards making our school more environmentally-friendly and caring for our planet. Of course, a special thanks must go to the Eco-Warriors, who are passionate about making a difference and leading our school in sustainability.


Our flag is proudly displayed at the front of the school!

Fryent's Eco-Code Video- Created by our Eco Warriors

June 2023

June 2023

The Eco-Warriors met Barry Gardiner, Brent MP.

On Monday, some of the Eco-Warriors were fortunate enough to meet Barry Gardiner, our local MP for Brent North. They quizzed him on his environmental views and what can be done to make our world more sustainable.

Thank you also to all the parents/carers who came to plant veggies in our school garden. Please watch this space to see how they are growing.