Fryent Primary School

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Fryent Primary School

Excellence In Everything

  1. Our Curriculum
  2. Foundation Subjects
  3. P.E.

P.E. is a scheme of work that was chosen due to the simplicity of the website. This resource provides us with an in-depth perspective of curricular sports and is a great tool for teachers to utilise for its many benefits: lesson plans, videos, differentiated (peer and self) assessment questions, progression journeys, a list of rules and equipment checklist, knowledge organisers and progression sequences for teachers to take and adapt to the needs of our children. Additionally, CompletePE provides us with a wide range of games for children to progress their knowledge and understanding of, throughout their primary years.  This progression of skills provides children with the opportunities to learn through playing, rather than using drills alone.

Throughout the PE curriculum, children focus on:

  • Invasion games
  • Striking and field games
  • Net and wall games
  • Gymnastics
  • Locomotive knowledge
  • Outdoor adventures
  • Athletics
  • Dance

As the children progress through the curriculum, they will acquire the skills to become more prominent in their problem-solving skills; spatial awareness and hand-eye coordination through tactful locomotion in invasion, net - wall and striking games. In the process, they will gain a better understanding of themselves as learners in the classroom and the outdoor environment, encouraging them to develop socially and personally. Working in groups/teams or independently will also allow children to learn to accept “defeat” but still be able to encourage and motivate others around them. This is essential for their transition to high school and will mostly be evident in our older learners.


Outline of how content builds on previous knowledge

Within the games unit, children in foundation and key stage one learn basic ball skills using their feet and hands. They also work on different locomotive movements. These unit provide a foundation for children going into year 3 and up. This foundation is essential to be successful in games situations. Children in year 3 and 4 have simple games of small numbers each side. This is to enable more time on the equipment and more space to develop basic ball and equipment skills. This then progresses to more complexes larger numbered games such as basketball, rugby, and football with full rules. By the time they leave primary, children should be able to compete in popular sports and understand the rules and strategies to be successful.

In the dance curriculum children in foundation and key stage 1 start with simple copy and repeating activities set to music. This then progresses later in lower and upper key stages where children are to create and develop different dance routines to different dance themes.

Gymnastics follows the same pathway as children in foundation and key stage work to build strength which they will use later in primary school for the more complicated gymnastic actions. Sequences are important in gymnastics and this progresses from very simple 3 action routines to upper key stage 2 and more complex 12 action routines with working in group situations.

Children in year 5 and 6 are encouraged to develop their leadership skills. Children in year 5 have an opportunity to run simple activities for children in lower key stage during lunchtimes.


The Sequence of the Curriculum

The three types of games areas are covered in years 3 to 6 ie. Invasion (football, basketball, etc.), net and wall (tennis, etc.) and striking and fielding (rounders, cricket, etc.). Tennis is covered in year 3 and 4 which is an easier sport develop then badminton which is covered in year 5 and 6. Sports such as netball and handball are covered in year 3 and 4. These sports are easier to develop basic invasion game strategies and understanding. This then progresses in year 5 and 6 which cover more complicated and difficult skills such as football, basketball and tag rugby. An example of this is in netball where dribbling and controlling the ball is not required to football where you have to control the ball with your feet.

Athletics are sequenced from very basic units, in foundation stage and year 1 and 2, where children play games for understanding the skills and techniques of running, throwing, and jumping. Later on children start to look into more specific athletic activities such as javelin throw and triple jump.


Links with other curriculum areas

- PSHE – teambuilding and social skills

- Maths – team scoring

- Orienteering – Geography and maps

- Literacy – learning to communicate effectively when leading.

Curriculum Map