Fryent Primary School

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Fryent Primary School

Excellence In Everything

  1. Parents
  2. Parent Information
  3. Class Dojo

Class Dojo 

Welcome to our Fryent Class Dojo Page - our school's communication, engagement and social-emotional learning all in one place!

At Fryent, we use Class Dojo to post any whole school, up to date information to parents. Class teachers also upload documents, homework, shout outs and class messages to their class page. This is updated regularly. 

If you haven't already got an account set up, please talk to your child's class teacher and they can set this up easily for you!


Click here to watch 'How families log in to Class Dojo'.

A quick tutorial for families about signing up and logging in.
A short video for students to learn how to view Activities, respond and create posts


Need Help? Here are some useful documents relating to Class Dojo.

 2020 Parent Invite Letter.pdfDownload
 ClassDojo Back to School Night DojoDeck 2020.pdfDownload
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